Tips for getting your boyfriend to propose. - Friar House

Tips for getting your boyfriend to propose.

Tips for getting your boyfriend to propose.

Tell him how important marriage is to you.

For some men marriage just isn’t at the top of their ‘to do’ list. Be honest and let him know how important it is to you. If he knows just how much it means to you it may be enough to get him to take that next step.

Let him know what kind of a ring you want.

Most men haven’t got a clue when it comes to choosing a ring, so make the job easier for him. Send him a URL of your favourite ring, he can keep it on his phone and use it to help him find the right ring for you.

Give him a time frame.

If you’ve been waiting for what seems for ever then it’s time for a conversation about it. Ask him what his life plans are, and tell him yours. If he says he is not ready yet, try and gauge when he will be and make your decision.

Lay off the wedding talk.

Don’t scare him off! Keep your cool, you don’t want to appear desperate. I’m sure there are not many men that enjoy discussing all of the details a wedding entails.

Go away.

Take a holiday with your girlfriends. Whilst you’re away keep in touch, but only briefly to let him know what a fantastic time you and the girls are having. You need to keep him on his toes and appreciate that your happiness is important too.

Don’t be greedy.

Keep your expectations to within your partner’s budget. If he feels he can never afford the ring you crave, you may never get one. The amount he spends is not a measure of his love, and upgrading is fine at a later stage in your lives when you are more comfortably off.

Spend more time with friends.

Letting him know that you have a social life outside of your relationship will make him see you in a different light.  Many of us make the mistake of letting our social lives slip when we enter a serious relationship.  Go out and live life.

Hint about moving or changing jobs.

If things are really stalling in your relationship then give him a bit of a shock treatment. Start talking about moving house, area or even country. Pretend you are looking for a new job. He hopefully won’t want to be left behind.

Focus on yourself.

Stop concentrating all of your time on him and start living yourself. No man will be happy with someone who is at their beckoning call. You are as important as him so start acting like it and live your life too.

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